استاندارد ASTM D 5778 آزمایش CPTU یا PCPT
Standard Test Method for Performing Electronic Friction Cone and Piezocone Penetration Testing of Soils
This test method covers the procedure for determining the resistance to penetration of a conical pointed penetrometer as it is advanced into subsurface soils at a slow, steady rate. This test method is also used to determine the frictional resistance of a cylindrical sleeve located behind the conical point as it is advanced through subsurface soils at a slow, steady rate This test method applies to friction-cone penetrometers of the electronic type This test method can be used to determine pore pressure development during push of a piezocone penetrometer. Pore pressure dissipation, after a push, can also be monitored for correlation to soil compressibility and permeability
استاندارد D 5778 ASTM آزمایش CPTU یا PCPT