فی توو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

فی توو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

Energy, Environment, and Economy Interactions in Iran with Cointegrated and ECM Simultaneous Model

اختصاصی از فی توو Energy, Environment, and Economy Interactions in Iran with Cointegrated and ECM Simultaneous Model دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

> Abstract
Nobody on the planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change. This study aims to arrange the various
socioeconomic elasticities of environmental pollution in order of priority, depending on the length of time period, to establish the
most effective policy. We employed a simultaneous equations system to find out the various socioeconomic elasticities in the
long run and short run in Iran during 1974-2012. Based on the results, per capita CO2 emissions, GDP, energy consumption
show the strongest interactions (relationships and elasticities) in the equations system as a whole in the long run. Moreover, it is
the trade openness, labour force, financial development, and urbanization which show the most decisive effects in the short run.
So the effectiveness of the system variables depends on the time period. Trade openness, labour force, and financial development
play the most leading role in the short run, notwithstanding their limited role in the long run. However, energy consumption
elasticity of CO2 emissions and urbanization elasticity of energy consumption are among the largest elasticities both in short run
and long run. Therefore, energy consumption, economic growth and urbanization should be reduced and financial sector should
be grown to decrease the environmental pollution. Moreover, economic growth is an effective factor for the long run; and trade
openness and financial development are effective for the short run but urbanization and energy consumption are influential for
both the long run and short run policies.

دانلود با لینک مستقیم

Energy, Environment, and Economy Interactions in Iran with Cointegrated and ECM Simultaneous Model

ترجمه مقاله «Data Security Issues in Cloud Environment and Solutions»در قالب ورد

اختصاصی از فی توو ترجمه مقاله «Data Security Issues in Cloud Environment and Solutions»در قالب ورد دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

ترجمه مقاله «Data Security Issues in Cloud Environment and Solutions»در قالب ورد

ترجمه مقاله «Data Security Issues in Cloud Environment and Solutions»در قالب ورد

ترجمه کامل  مقاله «Data Security Issues in Cloud Environment and Solutions» با عنوان فارسی «مسائل مربوط به امنیت داده ها در محیط ابری و راهکارها» ارائه شده در کنگره جهانی در محاسبات و ارتباطات فن آوری2014 در قالب ورد همراه با متن اصلی

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ترجمه مقاله «Data Security Issues in Cloud Environment and Solutions»در قالب ورد

دانلود مقاله Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Study in Environment Monitoring System

اختصاصی از فی توو دانلود مقاله Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Study in Environment Monitoring System دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود مقاله Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Study in Environment Monitoring System

دانلود مقاله Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Study in Environment Monitoring System

Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Study in Environment

International S ymposium on R obotics and Intelligent S ensors 2012 (IR IS 2012)
Monitoring System
Mohd Fauzi Othmana, Khairunnisa Shazalib*


Development in the technology of sensor such as Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), wireless communications, embedded
systems, distributed processing and wireless sensor applications have contributed a large transformation in Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN) recently. It assists and improves work performance both in the field of industry and our daily life. Wireless Sensor Network has
been widely used in many areas especially for surveillance and monitoring in agriculture and habitat monitoring. Environment monitoring
has become an important field of control and protection, providing real-time system and control communication with the physical world.
An intelligent and smart Wireless Sensor Network system can gather and process a large amount of data from the beginning of the
monitoring and manage air quality, the conditions of traffic, to weather situations. In this paper, we discuss and review wireless sensor
network applications for environmental monitoring. In order to implement a good monitoring system, there are several requirements to be
followed. From the studies, it has been proved to be an alternative way to replace the conventional method that uses men force to monitor
the environment. It is also proven that these approaches can improve the system performance, provide a convenient and efficient method
and can also fulfill functional requirements.

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دانلود مقاله Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Study in Environment Monitoring System