فی توو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

فی توو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

Architect's Pocket Book

اختصاصی از فی توو Architect's Pocket Book دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .


Architect's Pocket Book

369 صفحه پی دی اف

Preface to the Fourth Edition ix
Preface to the Third Edition xi
Preface to the Second Edition xiii
Acknowledgements to the Fourth Edition xv
Acknowledgements to the Third Edition xvii
Acknowledgements to the Second Edition xix
1 General Information
Climate maps 1
Metric system 8
Metric units 10
Temperature 11
Imperial units 12
Conversion factors 13
Greek alphabet 16
Roman numerals 16
Geometric data 17
Paper sizes 23
CAD 25
Drawing conventions 26
Perspective drawing – method of setting up 30
The classifi cations 32
2 Planning, Policy and Guidance
Planning and other permissions 39
Building Regulations 2000 52
Construction Design and Management Regulations 54
Standards – in the construction industry 57
Costs and law 60
Sustainability, energy saving and green issues 64
Anthropometric data 73
Furniture and fi ttings data 77
Miscellaneous data 87

Sanitary provision for public buildings 91
Trees for towns 96
Hedges 98
3 Structures
Foundation types 101
Masonry structures 102
Timber frame construction 103
Weights of materials 106
Newtons 109
Imposed loads 110
Fire resistance 114
Bending moments and beam formulae 115
Safe loads on subsoils 116
Timber 117
Brickwork and blockwork 122
Concrete 123
Steelwork 124
Lintels 128
Wind loads – simple calculation 135
Precast concrete fl oors 136
4 Services
Drainage 140
Rainwater disposal 143
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) 144
Water supply regulations 146
Water storage 150
U-values 154
R-values 157
K-values 157
Conservation of fuel and power 158
Heat losses 159
Central heating and hot water systems 163
Ventilation 166
Electrical installation 172
Lighting 177
Sound 189

Building Elements
Stairs 193
Fireplaces 196
Chimneys and fl ues 198
Doors 200
Windows 205
Security fi ttings 215
6 Materials
Brickwork and blockwork 219
Stonework 229
Dampness in buildings 231
Damp proofi ng 232
Damp-proof membranes (DPMs) and
ground gas protection 233
Plaster and render 234
Metals 239
Insulation 242
Roofi ng 247
Glass 271
Timber 280
Building boards 299
Plastics 307
Nails and screws 309
Colour 311
Paints 314

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Architect's Pocket Book