دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 120 Maracana
فرمت cbv-pgn
ویژگی ها:
اسکاچ توسط شیر جوان GM رابرت Aghysarian و مربی او GM تیگران نعلبندیان
از نژاد اسلاو توسط GM ایوان Ivanisevic
و برای فراموش کردن انتخاب های سنتی ما از 200 بازی + مشروح، با بازی در ماه های گذشته نیست، و خود را بیازمایید موقعیت برای ترکیب، انتهای، و مطالعات ...
CD همراه (گزینه PB + CD یا اشتراک) نیز بهبود یافته است و دوباره آن را به طور کامل با نرم افزار شطرنج سازگار است. ما مفتخریم که اعلام یکی دیگر از نوآوری نیز: خوانندگان خواهد بود دعوت به دانلود مواد آموزشی آزاد بر اساس شطرنج خبرچین 120، تهیه شده توسط کارشناسان برای استفاده خود و دوستان خود را.
تشکر از شما برای پشتیبانی مداوم از ما
cd اورجینال
05 - Bossa Nova - by Rafael Leitao.html
06 - Windmill - by Ivan Sokolov.html
07 - Have No Fear - by Alexander Ipatov.html
08 - Old Wine In New Bottles - by Mihail Marin.html
09 - Precision - by Eduardas Rozentalis.html
10 - Endgame Strategy - by Karsten Mueller.html
120 Games.html
Best Game.html
Chess Informant 120.html
CI Labs - C45 Scotch Game - by Robert Aghasaryan and Tigran Nalbandian.html
CI Labs - D45 Semi Slav Defense - by Ivan Ivanisevic.html
Combinations Section.html
Endings Section.html
Muscle Up - by Vassilios Kotronias.html
Studies 120.html
01 - Podmoskovnie Vechera - by Alexander Morozevich.html
02 - Interception - by Sarunas Sulskis.html
03 - Anand Strikes Back - by P. H. Nielsen & V. Cmylite .html
04 - Euro-Individual-ch-Yerevan.html
Technical material is also not neglected with GM Vassilios Kotronias presenting the second part of his comprehensive study of the 2.c3-Sicilian – making it truly a book within a book!
Chess Informant Labs also feature:
The Scotch by young lion GM Robert Aghysarian and his mentor GM Tigran Nalbandian
The Slav by GM Ivan Ivanisevic
And not to forget our traditional selection of 200+ annotated games, played in the past months, and test yourself positions for combinations, endings, and studies...
The accompanying CD (PB+CD option or subscription) has also been improved and again it's fully compatible with ChessBase software. We are also proud to announce another innovation: readers would be invited to download free training material based on Chess Informant 120, prepared by experts for use by yourself and your friends.
Thank you for your continuing support. We will always be pleased to hear from you with your views on our publication.
دانلود اینفور ماتور شطرنج Chess Informant 120 Maracana